Monday, March 22, 2010

The Rock

Last night I had a dream that I was climbing a rock by the sea. I used to do this a lot when I was little. My friends and I would go really far out and in retrospect it was probably dangerous (but you can't keep kids from enjoying their youth!). It reminded me of this, because back then even though the rocks were high, I was very young, and felt invincible, and did not have any fear. During the dream, there were easier ways to get to where I was trying to get to, but I took the hard way because I wanted to challenge myself. I was not afraid, and in moments where I almost felt fear, or looked down, I recomposed myself and maintained confidence. I had known that confidence and strength were all I needed to get up on top of the rocks and onto the green land above. There was a moment when a rock I had climbed on fell after I passed it. When I watched it go down, I noticed the rock was red, and that some of the other rocks were wobbly. Again, this happened after a moment of fear, so I just tried not to be afraid, and found myself climbing with ease. In my teenage years, I climbed many things (I like to climb things!) knowing that it was dangerous. The experience in real life is the same as that in the dream, however in the dream the rock was much much bigger, and the highest thing I had ever climbed. I was by myself, but then I suddenly noticed that about five old people were following me. I was very afraid for them, and knew that they should not be following the way I was going. So I told them that if they climbed the area to the left they would get on land safer than if they were do as I did. They listened to me and did as I said. There was also a bridge that I was trying to get to, and I watched the older people reach it before I did.

Break down of the symbolism in this dream: (according to

"To see an elderly person in your dream, represents wisdom or spiritual power. Pay attention to the message or advise that they are conveying you. They help provide life answers and solutions to your problems and try to guide you toward the right direction"

"To dream that you are climbing a steep rock, signifies struggles, obstacles, and disappointment"

"Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger.
Red is also the color of danger, shame, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions."

"To dream that you are crossing a bridge, signifies an important decision or a critical junction in your life. This decision will prove to be a positive change filled with prosperity and wealth in the horizon. Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage. If the bridge is over water, then it suggests that your transition will be an emotional one. If you fall off the bridge and into the water, then the dream indicates that you are letting your emotions hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. Alternatively, the bridge may indicate that you are trying to "bridge" or connect two things together."

"To see the sea in your dream, represents your unconscious and your transition between your unconscious and conscious. It also often represents your emotions."

The meaning of this dream is relatively simple. The sea, representing emotions, is a symbol of a state of mind that I am trying to get away from, to reach something higher. It is down below, almost a metaphor for the physical world. Going down there would mean death. In my pursuit of attaining something higher/better, there are indeed moments of fear, represented by the falling red rock. It is possible that if I am afraid I will not make it, and will stay primarily in the physical world, which is one of personality, material things, and ego. I am currently trying to balance both worlds, that of the spiritual/immaterial and that of the material/personality. I very much want to attain a higher state and a higher understanding, overcome my worldly desires while still being able to respect that part of myself, and allow myself to be involved in that world without being "attached" to it. The old people following me, I feel that they are a symbol of wisdom, of a higher force that is watching out for me. However, I told them to go away, play it safe. I believe that this means, even if that higher force wants to travel with me, I must experience having faith in it without having evidence that it is there. This is a metaphysical journey that I have to carry out on my own, knowing that this wisdom/force will be there at the bridge waiting for me when I am ready to cross it. The bridge is a symbol of what is ahead for me. Once I have "climbed the rock" I will be ready to embark on the bridge, and cross over from that struggle to something better, which is also something that I am yet to know of or experience.

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